Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Time Goes Way Too Fast

I was in the car these past couple of days hunting for generators....yeah I know that sounds like so much fun.... and I was listening to my buddy Neil Boortz. If you don't know who he is check out his web site at Don't stay too long because you'll read a bunch of stuff you agree with him on, and then he'll comment on something that will completly piss you off, but it was so entertaining you have to come back for more....anywho...He was commenting on the fact that Christmas is almost here. Following this statement came a brief pause, then he said something to the effect that he never wishes for an event to "come sooner" in his life, because time goes way too fast. I couldn't agree with him more. It seemed just like yesterday I couldn't wait to graduate from high school. Once I entered college I couldn't wait to get out, then I couldn't wait to get married, and finally I couldn't wait for Fiana to be born. Fast forward to present and Fiana will be 2 in March, and I'm coming up on 5 years of marriage. Now before you think I'm going through an early mid life crisis, don't worry, I'm not. I am just realizing it's all right to stop and enjoy the present. Why worry about tomorrow when today is just fine. (A horrible transcribe of the biblical passage, but I couln't resist) This is my encouragement to you, stop and enjoy today. We may think tomorrow will be better, however the grass is not always greener on the other side....

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